This page collects some of the key posts, guides, courses and links for those labouring on the limerence treadmill.
For new arrivals:
For those new to the site, or even new to the discovery of limerence, here are some of the keystone posts:
An explanation of “the glimmer“
The central role of uncertainty
For a concise but comprehensive guide to what limerence is, its neurochemical origins, and how to thrive in life as a limerent, we’ve published an essential guide for the smitten:
For recovery:
Most of the limerents visiting the site are here because they’ve realised that limerence has become a serious problem in their lives. Here are some good resources for solving that problem:
Deprogramming the limerent brain
What to do if you are married but limerent for someone else
Tipping points in a limerence affair
For a concise summary of the recovery philosophy of LwL, download our free Quickstart guide Take Control. This lays out a ten step plan for understanding, managing and overcoming limerence.

Need help with limerence recovery?
Download our free, 10 step guide to freedom
Sometimes limerence is such an urgent problem that dealing with it is an emergency. We offer an online course on emergency deprogramming to quickly and efficiently get control of the situation. The course confronts the psychological challenges of unwanted limerence head on, lays out an action plan for recovery, tactics for reprogramming yourself, and helps future-proof you against further limerence episodes. More information here:
For partners of limerents:
For those impacted by limerence because their partner or spouse seems to have lost their mind, here are some of the key blog posts:
Help! my partner is limerent for someone else
For partners who have reached deadlock, and are struggling to communicate with their limerent spouse, the free Quickstart guide Anxiety to action can help.

Purposeful living:
The unifying idea for how to practically integrate limerence into life, and how to respond productively to a partner becoming limerent for someone else, is purposeful living. Here are some of the key posts that expand on the idea:
The purposeful living reading list
Some good links:
There is a limerence discussion forum founded by some of the LwL community members here: https://limerenceforums.com/
It’s a registration-access site, designed for private discussions and support.
Here are another couple of good sites that also focus on limerence as a phenomenon:
Joe Beam’s marriage helper youtube channel
Finally, if all else fails you can contact Dr L directly using the form below. I read everything and answer as many queries as I can, time permitting: