Well now. I’ve been typing away here at LwL for almost two years, and am still having a good time of it. Lots of people email me to share their stories, and thank me for setting this place up, which makes me feel good. So, I’ve decided that it’s time to help secure those gains and make some more: it’s time to tart up the blog, and add more features!
So, this short post is just to say: changes are coming. I’m moving to a new webhost shortly, and adding some freebies and links to further resources, and I’m also going to set up an online course to try and help struggling limerents get control of their psychology, and plot a purposeful future for themselves. I spent a while thinking about ways to fund the costs of the site (and motivate myself to write more), and this seemed the best option. Ads and donations didn’t seem right, somehow, so I’ve opted for making something valuable that people will pay for. Plus, I’m hoping that the psychology of paying will strengthen their commitment to the cause of improving themselves. And then everyone benefits.
Anyway, we’ll see how it goes, but just a “head’s up” that things will look a little snazzier around here soon. As with all transitions, things may also go a bit wrong – so bear with me if there are a few glitches in the short term. I’ll be throwing the switch this weekend, and a trial run suggests all content and comments will migrate OK, but no doubt the internet goblins will have a few tricks up their sleeves.
Thanks all!
Dr L
Ulysses Alves says
That’s agreat idea! I think it’ll be much useful to limerent suferers. Good luck with this new stage of your project.
Carla Sousa says
We will be here waiting.
Mari says
First-time commenter here, stopping by to say: your site has been tremendously useful when dealing with a recent bout of limerence, and I’m looking forward to more content and a way to give back.
Phaedra says
Wow, this is such an incredible resource. I’ve been experiencing limerence for nearly 7 years now and it’s very practical to read your blogs.
Katy says
I would make a donation link.
I would contribute happily !! Life changing and life saving for me that I found your site!!!