Reader G got in touch about a speed bump on her road to recovery: I have a question - you talk a lot about the importance of going no-contact to get over Limerence, but what if LO is the one to …
The recovery mindset
One of the most difficult aspects of beating unwanted limerence is the conflict between the intellectual decision to stop it, and the emotional thirst to keep it going. This is the addict's challenge: …
Using limerence for mood regulation
It's an unhappy truth that limerence is worst when you're unhappy. Limerence can often start during a time of of trial: when you are exhausted, overwhelmed, stressed, lonely, grieving, or depressed. …
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The four phases of No Contact
No contact is the soundest strategy for getting over an LO, but it's also often logistically tricky, difficult to implement, and difficult to stick to. Whenever you're faced with a problem …
Men and women
Bit of a diversion from the usual programming today, and the sort of post that requires me to have a "random thoughts" category in the blog menu. And to manage expectations: they're going to get …
The loneliness of No Contact
I've talked before about the loneliness of limerence. The isolation associated with limerence comes in large part from feeling that it shouldn't be happening, and that it's a shameful secret that the …