It's not an easy thing to abstain from bliss. For limerents in a long-term relationship who are suddenly struck by limerence for someone new, the neurochemical high from early limerence is …
Beating limerence in 2020
It's 2020. Happy New Year everyone! New year, new decade, new opportunities for personal growth. As this is the time of year for resolutions, I thought I'd start with a post about how to use …
Using limerence for mood regulation
It's an unhappy truth that limerence is worst when you're unhappy. Limerence can often start during a time of of trial: when you are exhausted, overwhelmed, stressed, lonely, grieving, or depressed. …
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Limerence and insecurity
I spend a goodly amount of time here at LwL trying to understand the factors that make limerence more or less likely to occur. There are some repeating themes - intermittent reward, uncertainty, …
Wanting versus liking
One of the weird features of limerence is the ongoing desire for contact with LO even after you've realised it's unhealthy and bad for you. Well, actually, it's not all that weird - it's a common …
Figuring out how best to “treat” limerence
One of the most fascinating areas of science for me is the interface between neuroscience and psychology. To be more specific: neurophysiology is the study of how brains work at a mechanistic level …
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