The average duration of a limerent episode is between 18 months and 3 years. That estimate comes from Tennov's book, and was based on interviews with hundreds of people struggling with …
The psychology of limerent Idealisation
One of the defining features of limerence is the tendency to idealise your limerent object. You see them as Special with a capital S, different from ordinary people, extraordinary in their …
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Supernormal stimuli
One of the defining features of limerence - and the feature that makes it so difficult for others to understand - is the wildly exaggerated importance that we assign to our limerent objects. Why do we …
Case study: why do I feel betrayed?
Sammy got in touch with a great suggestion for a post topic: Dorothy Tennov writes in her book that limerents often feel betrayed by their LOs (presumably after things have gone south). If you or …
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The need for change
Limerence offers some serious life lessons. It a good idea to learn from them. When limerence arrives unexpectedly - when you weren't actively seeking romance - it can be a bit of a shock. …
Why limerence feels so good
Limerence feels bloody amazing. I'm several years out from my last limerence episode, and this distance can sometimes be a benefit, but it's also a limitation. It makes it easier to analyse the …