It's not easy to get rid of limerence, but there are some tactics that can turn down the volume on the emotional overwhelm, and help you take back control of your life. Here are four of the …
The loneliness of No Contact
I've talked before about the loneliness of limerence. The isolation associated with limerence comes in large part from feeling that it shouldn't be happening, and that it's a shameful secret that the …
The loneliness of limerence
Following on from the last post on guilt, another aspect of limerence that I haven't much covered in the blog so far is the loneliness. They're linked, of course, because limerence is a guilty secret …
Should limerents feel guilty about their limerence?
One of the things that limerents in long-term relationships must confront is how big of a betrayal it is, if they become limerent for someone else. Regular readers will know that I very much …
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An interesting question that often comes up in discussions about limerence, is the potential for overlap with other personality traits. Perhaps, given the intrusive thoughts and obsessive nature of …
Limerence and sex
From the time it was first defined, limerence has been closely associated with sexual desire. LO is wanted as a sexual partner, rather than an intimate friend or companion. [Aside - it would be …