It's not easy to get rid of limerence, but there are some tactics that can turn down the volume on the emotional overwhelm, and help you take back control of your life. Here are four of the …
If I only knew…
My last few posts have focussed on the issue of closure and how limerents can be bad at handling uncertainty. The principle cause of this difficulty is the deep, desperate ache to know whether or not …
LOs who won’t let go
In the last post we analysed closure, and why it's an illusion. Seeking closure is one of the commonest excuses that limerents give for why they need to stay friends with their LOs. Their …
Closure is an illusion
Uncertainty is central to limerence. It fuels the rumination that drives it (do they like me too? What did that comment mean? How would they respond to my disclosure?), and creates the intermittent …
Case study: limerence as a barrier to taking the first step
Ulysses is battling limerence. In his case, limerence is proving a barrier to the natural expression of his feelings: I've been struggling to get close enough of my LO to disclose my feelings to …
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Rebuilding trust
For those married folks struggling with limerence, I'm a big advocate of disclosure to your spouse as a powerful tactic for recovery. I've talked about the benefits before, but as with all …