Note: this is an updated version of a previous post Midlife is an interesting time. It begins to dawn on you that whatever endeavours you threw yourself into in early adulthood are coming to …
Who is to blame for limerence?
Note: this is an updated version of a previous post Limerence can be well described as an altered state of mind. Once the infatuation for someone new sets in, it changes your perceptions, your …
More on the limerence binary
The last post covered an analysis of whether limerence is a spectrum or a binary - in other words, can you feel "quite limerent", or can people actually be sorted into distinct "limerent" and …
Is limerence binary or a spectrum?
One of the unanswered questions that keeps me occupied in my ongoing investigation of limerence also comes up surprisingly often in my mailbox: Is limerence a specific condition, or is there a …
How to get over an office crush
When you put a group of attractive people together, in an environment where they work closely on collaborative projects, they sometimes fall in love with each other by accident. This could be great …
A philosopher’s response to limerence
"Reader" sent me a fascinating article this week, from the New Yorker: It details the experience of a …
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