Bit of a diversion from the usual programming today, and the sort of post that requires me to have a "random thoughts" category in the blog menu. And to manage expectations: they're going to get …
Limerence for celebrities
Limerence is often dismissed by unsympathetic non-limerents as “a crush”. There's a definite undertone of disdain that any adult could still suffer with such childishness. Puppy-love, crushes, …
The stories we tell ourselves
In the previous post, I talked about reverie, and how limerents tend to rehearse scenes in their minds as a way of feeling connected to LO and trying to prepare for future meetings. Another aspect of …
Flirting at work
I've talked before about flirting and how it's complicated for limerents. It's been on my mind again. There's a real sense of a sea-change in culture at the moment, with #MeToo and Oxfam and …
Sometimes love takes work
I'm not a fan of this aphorism. It's true, in the sense that all human endeavours are sometimes hard work and that love is not some magical exception that just perfectly coasts along for years if you …
The seduction of Romance
I tend to assume that limerents must all be romantics. Life certainly makes it easy - the Disney model of the one true love overlaps nicely with the idealisation of LOs. Oh, they are so very special. …