Bit of a diversion from the usual programming today, and the sort of post that requires me to have a "random thoughts" category in the blog menu. And to manage expectations: they're going to get …
The definition of limerence
I've been thinking again about what limerence is. We have a fairly well-established list of common symptoms, and so limerence is most easily defined as "having enough of those symptoms to qualify". …
The stories we tell ourselves
In the previous post, I talked about reverie, and how limerents tend to rehearse scenes in their minds as a way of feeling connected to LO and trying to prepare for future meetings. Another aspect of …
Limerence dreams
A defining feature of limerence is persistent, intrusive thoughts about LO. And it doesn't even let up when you are asleep. Frequent dreams about LO are very common, and can be quite informative. Now, …
One year on
So, I've been posting away in this blog now for a year, and it has been a lot of fun and pretty cathartic. Looking back at the list of posts, I appear to have typed quite a lot. Looking to the …
Happily ever after
Many people blame fairytales for their relationship problems. Especially Disney. Damn Cinderellas and Princes Charming and happilys ever after. So unrealistic. But that word, "happily", is a …