A defining feature of limerence is persistent, intrusive thoughts about LO. And it doesn't even let up when you are asleep. Frequent dreams about LO are very common, and can be quite informative. Now, …
Happily ever after
Many people blame fairytales for their relationship problems. Especially Disney. Damn Cinderellas and Princes Charming and happilys ever after. So unrealistic. But that word, "happily", is a …
Limerence music
Super-busy with the day job at the moment, so behind on blogging. Whenever possible, I work with some background music. Often this needs to be classical (or at least lyric-free) but sometimes …
When you're going through hell... keep going. Winston Churchill. As I've grown older, I've come to realise that one of the most important life skills to cultivate is resilience. It perhaps seems …
Why does limerence exist?
One of the curious consequences of learning that non-limerents exist, is that for the first time we limerents can start to wonder both "who has it better", and "what is limerence for, anyway"? The …
Is limerence all bad?
Although the title of this site is "living with limerence", and so could seem analogous to "living with diabetes" or "living with OCD", limerence really isn't all bad. Most limerents, if given the …