There's been a lot of discussion in the comments of late about social media and how it just makes limerence sooo much worse. I've not contributed much to this, for the simple if unorthodox reason that …
Figuring out how best to “treat” limerence
One of the most fascinating areas of science for me is the interface between neuroscience and psychology. To be more specific: neurophysiology is the study of how brains work at a mechanistic level …
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The loneliness of limerence
Following on from the last post on guilt, another aspect of limerence that I haven't much covered in the blog so far is the loneliness. They're linked, of course, because limerence is a guilty secret …
Deprogramming the limerent brain
Time usually resolves limerence, but sometimes we limerents impatiently wonder, where's the damn off switch? Now some people are resistant to the very idea of reducing love to a biochemical process …
Is limerence a mental illness?
One of the things I'm most curious about when it comes to limerence, is whether it is a "normal" process that can occasionally go wrong, or - by definition - a mental illness. This kind of question …
Why is limerence so powerful?
When in the grip of limerence, all other concerns fade into the background. LO becomes the centre of your mental world. Ironically, the impact of this phenomenon can be most obvious after limerence …