Midlife is a common time for limerence emergencies. There are a few good reasons for this, as we've discussed before, but in the previous post I didn't really consider what the midlife limerent was …
Case study: limerent for an ex
Alice is in a spot of bother. She has been married for nearly ten years, and met her husband after a previous relationship ended. It was kind of a "soft ending" in some respects: We didn't dislike …
Barriers and uncertainty
Following on from last week's post, I've been wondering about the circumstances and conditions that can push limerence into a descending spiral of addictive misery. It certainly seems to be true that …
Limerence and the friendzone
We've all been there. Limerence is nucleating, and you are getting the euphoric thrill of connection with a new person. They are rapidly becoming your LO, and you are trying to gauge the degree of …
Why does uncertainty have such power in cementing desire for a limerent object? It makes sense that rejection would (hopefully) kill limerent desire, but it seems a bit counterintuitive that …
Do they like me too?
In an earlier post, I described the second stage of limerence as "the response". So, assuming you have felt the glimmer, the next thing your limerent brain tries to determine is the possibility of …