Welcome to Living with Limerence! I've been writing this blog since 2017, and in that time it has grown quite large. Consequently, when newcomers arrive these days it can be difficult for them to …
Coffeehouse: busy busy busy
Gosh, will you look at that! It's already over a month since the last coffeehouse post. How time flies It's been a busy few weeks, so I'll kick things off with another update on progress with …
Coffeehouse: Christmas limerence
It's that time of year when it always feels as though things should be winding down for Christmas, but in fact, Christmas preparations are just being added to the business of everyday life. The …
Coffeehouse: demoralisation and despair
Another visit to the virtual coffee house of wisdom and camaraderie - where level heads put the world to rights, and wonky heads chitchat about whatever they please and meander wherever their fancy …
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Coffeehouse: social media
Another visit to the virtual coffee house at LwL, this time with a very definite agenda on my part. Welcome, welcome! All the while that I was writing this blog pseudonymously as Dr L, I didn’t …
Coffeehouse: open thread
It's been a busy week for me this week, and one of those times where I've abortively started two or three possible posts, but somehow not quite got all the ducks in a row. Sometimes the ideas just …